Won the title of "Qingdao specialized medium-sized Enterprise"


Won the title of "Qingdao specialized medium-sized Enterprise"


In order to implement the national strategy of promoting the international development of small and medium-sized enterprises, guide small and medium-sized enterprises to take the road of internationalization of "specialization, refinement, peculiarity and novelty", and help high-quality economic development, the Qingdao Private Economic Development Bureau and Qingdao Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Bureau certified management leading group assessed: Qingdao Zhongyi engineering technology co., LTD., was awarded the title of "specialization, new small and medium-sized enterprises of Qingdao", this is also the important milestone of the development process for the company.


As a small and medium-sized enterprise focusing on the field of rubber machinery, with unique technology, featured products, unique business model, excellent innovation ability, has been committed to providing customers with high-quality products and services, winning this honor is the affirmation and recognition of the company's efforts over the years.

The company will continue to adhere to the development direction of "specialized and new", constantly improve the innovation ability, promote the transformation and upgrading of enterprises, build the core competitiveness of enterprises, win long-term market competitive advantages, and make greater contributions to the economic development of Qingdao.
